We are pleased to announce that Magnus Elmblad is now a shareholder in Lagafors Fabriks AB.
“Since 2004, Magnus has governed and led Lagafors in a most satisfactory way. Expanding the ownership is a natural step in securing our ambition to further grow and develop. I believe that this is a wise move in safeguarding the unique collaboration Lagafors enjoys with its customers and suppliers, but also in retaining our fantastic staff.” Says Johan Cavalli, majority shareholder in Lagafors Fabriks AB.
“I very much look forward to our continued journey alongside our wonderful team of professionals. We have many exciting challenges ahead of us and are well prepared to take them on. It is an honor to get this chance and to be a partner in such a fine company. I am ready to charge on.” Says Magnus Elmblad, CEO and shareholder in Lagafors AB.

Magnus Elmblad, CEO