Lagafors contributes to the circular cycle
Did you know that we recycle and reuse used Lagafors equipment? We are currently replacing older chemical centers to recycle and reuse parts of them, while at the same time upgrading the customer with the latest technology in cleaning. All to extend the life cycle of...
Safety and good hygiene in your production has never been more important than now!
Lagafors can offer a mobile device to complement your existing cleaning equipment. This can be used for spot inserts, used in places without fixed cleaning equipment or seen as a backup to existing system! You can choose to buy, lease or just rent for a limited time!...
Other ways to do business…
In Corona times, hygiene is more important than ever and with current restrictions on travel between countries, and in countries, we must do everything we can to continue to meet our customers. We and our distributors not only continue to do business, but together we...
We are here for you!
As COVID-19 (Corona) continues to spread, Lagafors has taken measures not only to limit the risk to our company, its employees and their environment, but also to continue to be there for you. Our activities will continue as usual, but we will be more careful and...