Lagafors kills it at quality-focused slaughterhouse

Aug 13, 2018 | News

With four slaughterhouses, two meat-processing plants and brands such as Dalsjöfors and Skånska Gårdar, KLS Ugglarps is one of the Swedish meat industry’s giants. They are also one of its most quality-conscious companies. So when they needed to replace the cleaning system at their Ugglarp plant outside Trelleborg, the plant manager Christer Nilsson asked his industry colleagues if they could recommend a high-quality supplier. We were very pleased when they all gave the same answer: Lagafors.

They recommended Lagafors
KLS Ugglarps works with beef, pork and mutton from selected farms, and they deliver everything from cuts to ready-made products. It’s an impressive company with 5,5 BSEK in revenue, 1,500 employees – and end-to-end quality.
Quality was also the key word when plant manager Christer Nilsson started researching the market for a new cleaning system for their slaughterhouse in Ugglarp.
“Some of my colleagues had a positive experience of Lagafors’ products and told me to get in touch with them.
So he did. Christer booked a meeting with our salesman Mats Andersson.
“Lagafors’ representative quickly won my confidence. Mats was down-to-earth and knew what he was talking about.”

Short installation deadline
Their needs were compared with Lagafors’ product range. They chose our CCS system with a centrally located pump and chemical solutions, plus five satellite stations equipped with hoses for water and chemical solutions strategically placed around the facility. This means that the chemical solutions can be managed in one location that is kept separate from their day-to-day operation environment.
Another requirement was that the new system had to be installed over the weekend to would not disrupt Ugglarps’ normal production. The installation was carefully prepared in close collaboration with Ugglarps.
“Lagafors were very professional. They put everything in place in just three days, exactly according to plan.”

Everything works as promised
Ugglarps’ new system has been up and running since this winter. How does it work?
“After a commissioning period where we adjusted the chemical solution concentrations, all of the pieces have fallen into place. Our cleaning staff is happy with the equipment and I’m happy with the cleaning results. We got exactly what we ordered: end-to-end quality.
If someone were to ask him what he thinks of Lagafors, what would he say?
“Of course I would recommend them. Lagafors knows the food-processing industry, their products are great and they get the job done on time. And they keep their promises. It doesn’t get any better than that.