A central cleaning system for Arla in Götene

Apr 29, 2020 | Referens

The employees at Arla Foods AB in Götene had a desire to improve the working environment in their factory. Their shared dream came true with the help of a central cleaning system from Lagafors.

Arla Foods AB in Götene decided to switch from a decentralized cleaning system to a central one, then everything went fast. After an initial contact, Lagafors got the assignment and installed a 20-bar system consisting of a Central chemical unit VCC II and nine VMS II satellites.

– Based on our long experience of hygiene solutions in the food industry, we usually recommend central systems, says Pär-Magnus Elmblad, CEO of Lagafors.

The reasons are several: In addition to the fact that a central system can simultaneously handle up to three different chemical solutions, it also offers benefits in the form of increased product, personal and work environment safety. In addition, they result in reduced operating costs.

Several good recommendations
So why did they choose Lagafors as their supplier?
– After good recommendations and a good first impression of the company, it felt natural to have Lagafors deliver our cleaning equipment, says production manager Bengt Johansson at Arla Foods AB. He continues:
– We already had good experiences with foam and chemicals. So what we really wanted was to just change the cleaning principle to, with the help of a reliable and robust system, minimize the hassle and get it better working environmentally.
Bengt feels that the wishes of the plant have been fulfilled and sees no reason why it will not continue that way.
– Installation and commissioning were handled in a very satisfactory manner, safely and according to the schedule. We highly recommend Lagafors as a supplier of cleaning equipment for other companies, he concludes.


Customer’s wishes: Improve the working environment and reduce the hassle of cleaning work.

Our solution: A central cleaning system with 20 bar pressure, a VCC II Central chemical unit and 9 VMS II satellite stations.