A central cleaning system for Arla in Götene

The employees at Arla Foods AB in Götene had a desire to improve the working environment in their factory. Their shared dream came true with the help of a central cleaning system from Lagafors. Arla Foods AB in Götene decided to switch from a decentralized cleaning...
Protect your staff!

Protect your staff!

Hygiene requirements are higher than ever! Having well-functioning hygiene zones and routines for all of us working in the food industry is extremely important! Lagafors has a complete range of hygiene equipment such as disinfection equipment, hygiene lockers, washers...
Lagafors has the will to give that little extra

Lagafors has the will to give that little extra

Lagafors has been on the Australian market for about fifteen years. The biggest customer is the hygiene service provider Sanikleen Group (SKG), which in a short time bought large volumes from us. SKG use Lagafors equipment every day and is very happy with function and...
Other ways to do business…

Other ways to do business…

In Corona times, hygiene is more important than ever and with current restrictions on travel between countries, and in countries, we must do everything we can to continue to meet our customers. We and our distributors not only continue to do business, but together we...